Explore pure and applied math in an experiential setting.

B.S., Minor

All mathematics majors need to have a strong background in both algebra and trigonometry. Students who lack this background will need to begin with the prerequisite courses MA 110 and MA 111, which will not count as credit toward the major in mathematics. A minor in Mathematics requires 18 semester hours of coursework.


Curriculum: B.S., Minor (18 hours)
Faculty: Dr. Michael McCrory, Assistant Professor of Mathematics & Education
B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Mississippi
  Dr. Martha H. Pratt, Associate Professor of Mathematics
A.A., Northeast Mississippi Community College
B.A., M.Ed., Ph.D., Mississippi State University
  Jody D. Presley, Instructor of Mathematics
B.S.Ed., Mississippi State University
M.S.Ed., University of Mississippi
  Robert E. Rucker, Assistant Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science
B.S., M.S., University of Mississippi